Professor Christopher Uff PhD, FRCS Consultant Neurosurgeon
Traumatic Brain Injury
Trauma Craniotomy

Traumatic Brain Injury is the most common cause of death in those under 40 years of age and for those who survive in a poor condition, the financial cost of life long dependent care vs. a life of earning presents a massive burden both to society and to the NHS.
Even those who survive in a good clinical condition, the chance of returning to independent survival with no burden to society (ie to tax-payer status) is low.
The best way of treating head injury is avoidance.
Acute Treatment
Acute Treatment of head injury is currently undertaken in Major Trauma Centres.
Treatment may involve surgery or treatment on the inteisive care unit (ICU) or both.
Many patients who suffer head injury also suffer injury to other areas of the body.
If you have had a head injury and you have symptoms that persist for more than 24 hours you should see a doctor.
Long term treatment
There are 2 phases to recovery after head injury.
Physical recovery
Physical recovery takes between 6 - 8 weeks. This is where the injured tissues repair themselves.
Neurological recovery
Because the brain controls the rest of the body, an injury to the brain may result in disability in another part of the body that was not physically injured in the accident.
For example and injury to the right side of the brain may result in a weakness in the left arm.
This is very similar to a stroke.
Sometimes the brain is so badly damaged that recovery does not take place but in many patients, at least a partial recovery is possible.
Physical recovery
A weakness or a paralysis in part of the body may result in a physical disability.
Physical recovery is best treated with physiotherapy.
In addition to this, damage to certain areas of the brain may result in speech difficulty.
Speech problems are best treated with speech and language therapy.
Psychological recovery
Many patients experience concussion after a head injury.
These may prevent the patient from returning to normal even though there is no physical disability.
Concussion is extremely common.
The best treatment for concussion is rest (both physical or mental).